Oke! Harini saya nak review pasal stars of Herbalife,the product of course :D
Product Herbalife ni banyak range dia,dari Core Product, Weight Management, Targeted Nutrition, Healthy Ageing dan Personal Care
Tapi harini saya hanya nak cerita pasal Core,Weight Management & Targeted Nutrition Product sahaja
(Maaf sebab akan ada campur Melayu-English sebab ada benda yang lebih mudah diterangkan dalam English) :)
Core & Weight Management Product
Okay Core and Weight Management Product ni basically adalah satu, sebab Core Product adalah Shake Formula 1, yang Weight Manegement Product pula adalah Blended Soy & Whey Protein Powder (F3), Tea Mix (Original) & Tea Mix (Peach).
Formula 1
Apa yang ada dalam F1 Shake ni?
- Mengandungi protein, fiber dan essential nutrients yang menolong meningkatkan metabolism, cellular growth repair dan penghasilan sel-sel baru
(tahukah anda setiap saat lebih 100 trillion sel baru akan dihasilkan oleh badan kita untuk menggantikan sel yang telah mati, dan sel-sel baru tu memerlukan nutrisi yang lengkap dan seimbang untuk pertumbuhan yang normal? this is what Herbalife's products and F1 is all about, Cellular Nutrition)
Because basically our body are made out of this component :
Cell ---> Tissue ---> Organ ---> System ---> Whole Body
Tissues are made out of cells,so does all organs in our body. Cellular nutrition works from within, from the core itself, so basically we need to 'feed' our core component with the right and essential nutrients if we want a rejuvenate,healthy and energetic body from time to time. Healthy cell promotes healthy systems and thus energetic body! :D
- A healthy meal for balanced nutrition because F1 shake have over 20 essential nutrients combined that our body needs everyday.
- All great minds behind the product itself is world renown scientist including Dr Louis Ignarro, a Nobel Prize winner
- It has 9g of protein and healthy fiber in one scoop
- And finally you can manage your weight and gain better health with this product
Blended Soy & Whey Protein Powder
The body needs protein to maintain lean muscle mass and control hunger. But how best to get enough protein without the unwanted fats and calories? Blended Soy and Whey Protein Powder combines soy and whey to help satisfy your hunger and customize your protein intake. So what this F3 has to offer?
- Helps build and maintain lean muscle mass
- May help enhance the antioxidants activity of your vitamins
- 'Pycnogenol' supports cellular energy production, vascular function and the immune system
- A complete protein, including all 9 essential amino acids.
- Source of the amino acids cysteine and methionine, vital for muscle development.
- Contains no fat, carbohydrates, cholesterol, salt, sugar or sweeteners.
- Help you feel fuller longer, making weight loss easier.
(tahukah anda orang yang underweight yang nak jadi berisi, they tend to eat a lot, really lot because of the metabolism needs that is pushing them to eat more and if they not, the metabolism itself will munch away the muscle,so muscle's definition will decreased,sebab tu jadi sangat kurus)
(dan,orang yang underweight yang makan banyak, tapi makanannya tak berkhasiat adalah salah sebab nanti badan mereka akan membesar dengan kandungan lemak yang lebih dari otot, dan akan terjadilah 'Hidden Obese' and that is not good)
- So dengan F3, muscle's definition can be improved and underweight people can gained their weight with fat-free, protein-rich and healthily too.
- For people yang dah lose weight dan ada flabby skin (kulit yang menggelebeh), F3 mampu menegangkan kulit tersebut kerana colagen adalah salah satu bentuk protein juga. No more flabby skin with F3! (contoh paling obvious adalah Bob dalam entry saya yang sebelum ni, dia turunkan berat badan secara semulajadi tanpa bedah kulit lebihan tu)
Tea Mix
Tea Mix helps you stay energized while you manage your weight. A great alternative to soda or coffee, Tea Mix comes in 2 delicious flavors: Lemon & Hibiscus, Peach. Can be served hot or cold, terpulang pada selera masing-masing
- Gets you an energy boost, biasanya saya minum pagi and i feel refreshed,tak mengantuk dah :D
- Enjoy the benefits of green tea
- Manage your weight
- Low in calories and carbohydrates
So kepada sesiapa yang nak manage weight, this 3 product are the ones you need to help you to gain weight or lose weight, and also applicable to people that wanted a healthy diet everyday, instead of nasi lemak, roti canai and teh tarik for a morning go, might as well change to this :D
Targeted Nutrition Product
Okay Targeted Nutrition dalam Herbalife ni ada yang berkaitan jantung dan sekitarnya, meaning by the capillary and also the blood-circulation cardio-related system dan juga visceral fats, lemak-lemak yang tak diperlukan di sekeliling organ kita terutamanya di perut yang berisiko kepada jantung kita. Oh dan ada juga yang improved your digestive system :D
Herbal Aloe Concentrate
Herbal Aloe Concentrate is made from the aloe plant which contains natural enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that help support healthy digestion.
- Soothes the stomach
- Relieves occasional indigestion
- Enhances intestinal health
- Improves nutrient absorption
- Baik untuk kulit muka,kulit kepala dan kulit yang ada masalah Dermatitis
- Baik untuk yang ada jerawat, acne, arthitis and rheumatism
Sebab selepas makan macam-macam selama ni, perut kita akan dilapisi oleh lapisan lemak dan toksin yang melekat di sekitar usus kita, making it hard for water and nutrients to be absorbed properly. Sebab tu juga kadang-kadang kita susah nak buang air, ada yang seminggu sekali, so this Herbal Aloe is a solution for your digestive and colon system! :)
NightWorks Formula (NW)
Developed with Nobel Laureate in Medicine Dr. Louis Ignarro, NW Formula supports your body’s ability to produce Nitric Oxide (NO), for improved cardio circulatory and vascular health.
- What is Nitric Oxide? ia adalah satu molekul yang sangat halus dalam badan dan Nitric Oxide ni kanak-kanak ada banyak dari orang dewasa, sebab tu kanak-kanak teramat jarang kena sakit jantung.
- Macam mana nak produce NO dalam bentuk semulajadi? Anda perlu excercise 4 jam non-stop dan makan tembikai 4 biji, EVERYDAY, boleh ke?
- This product has the proprietary combination of Arginine Acid and Citrulline Acid to help stimulate production levels of Nitric Oxide (NO).
- Vitamin C and E, as well as alpha-lipoic acid, provide antioxidant support.
- Has lemon to soothe and relax you.
- In powder form.
Kenapa nama dia NightWorks? Sebab NW ni kena consume pada waktu malam sebelum tidur sebab penghasilan NO adalah paling rendah time malam dan masa badan kita berehat, NO ni bekerja :)
Includes Omega-3 fatty acids for cardiovascular and joint health. Includes EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids and a unique blend of herbs. Why Omega 3 Fish Oil? Because Fish Oil is 'Good Fat' and good fat will get rid of 'Bad Fat', Bad Fat ni biasanya degil dan sangat lambat hilang, terutamanya kat bahagian perut, so this is where Fish Oil come to aid :)
- Enhances heart health with Omega-3s
- Maintains healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels already within normal range
- Includes the antioxidant vitamin E for protection against free radicals
Biasanya kalau sesiapa yang pernah makan Fish Oil, mesti ada rasa tak sedap dan kalau sedawa, nanti ada rasa tak sedap & macam berbau kan? Tapi Fish Oil Herbalife ni lain sebab dia ada :
- Minyak Thyme
- Peppermint
- Cengkih
Semua diatas berfungsi untuk mengurangkan Reflux & aftermath Reflux, jadi kurang rasa hanyir ikan tu, sebaliknya diganti dengan rasa segar yang tak berbau :)
Dedicated To Bring Good Health To You!
So dengan review diatas diharap anda jelas dengan produk Herbalife ni macam mana. InsyaAllah if there's any inquiry, please don't hesitate to ask :D
Till then,
Assalamualaikum :)
"Whether you’re a serious athlete, always on the go, or simply looking to improve your health, Core Products nourish your body at the cellular level, so you can achieve optimum health"