Oke! today im gonna give you what i know about dieting.
Traditional Diet
As pretty much the title say, traditional diet is the typical diet you force yourself to as a 'Regime' to definitely to lose weight. You cut down the intake of rice, which is carbohydrate, crucial for your energy build-up (because Asian's staple food is rice so without it we can't do pretty much of anything), and instead, take on white bread (which is conveniently the same as rice), and something carbo-high food and some had even been used to fast food, they can't curb the urge to eat it even though in the middle of diet regime,so what's the difference anyway?
Okay ladies and gentleman,i will take this as simple as it should be alright. So here's the diagram suggested for Traditional Diet
Okay ladies and gentleman,i will take this as simple as it should be alright. So here's the diagram suggested for Traditional Diet
First and foremost,for the MUSCLE part this is why it shrank after you helplessly do a traditional diet regime:
- In your diet, you will cut the intake of carbo as a source of 'fuel' for your body
- This will make your body lack of 'fuel' to use when it comes to emergency where your body needs an extra 'fuel' to burn to provide energy for your body eg; on exercise, do a hard work etc.
- Then your body will want to take the 'fuel' from your fat, BUT it will not be as easy as taking it out because you lack of Amino Acids to act as a 'key' which is usually found in rice,red meat,red beans,eggs etc (because you cut the intake,remember?)
- Thus resulting the body to take the Amino Acids from the muscles to help it as a 'key' to let loose the fats for energy burning
- So,in the process,your muscle will shrink because the Amino Acids in it has been deducted plus you did not eating the right food to top-up what's been lose.
- And as a result,you will lose your muscle tone
Secondly, check out why WATER is very much needed in your diet and yet you lack of it and this is very simple:
- Know that water composes approximately 70% of our body mass
- Normal water intake suggested by health authorities namely WHO and so forth is 8 glasses per day or 3 to 4 liters BUT admit it we did not take that much right?
- So that's why when you come to crash dieting,you will cut the calories,cut the nutritional value intake for your body,and plus you drink less water
- Thus you will easily fall fatigue, not energetic and weak because our body will lose approximately 3-4 liters a day through sweat,urine,exhaled air and bowel movement and you need to top-up for that
- Plus we lose 1-2 liters of water just from breathing. So our body really in dire need of water replacement after what's been taken out but you did not consume it regularly enough
- So your body will be lack of water,daily
Finally why is it so hard for us to cut down that extra baggage FATS? This is why:
- You are on diet,makes you extremely hungry and resulting you to munch,munch and munch away itsy bitsy snack,cookies and so forth
- Remember you lose so much muscle? This will trick you to think that you're already lose fats when you do a weight-in. Muscle's density is much more than fats (because its meaty compared to fats that is made out from water). So muscle is much more heavier than fats
- You eat wrong,non-nutritional food that gives your body zero nutrition value to keep it regulates normally
- Finally, you WILL lose some weight from crash dieting because of HUNGER alone. Then after 7 8 months or 1 year, you will start taking rice again, excessively, then the fats will reappear again
Hunger = Body needs energy > Body use fats > You munching too much > Fats reappear > Same as before
This will not be happening if you practice nutritional and healthy diet which is you will have to count calories intake that equals to how much you will lose,daily. Honestly for me, i don't have time for that, so the easiest, healthy and complete nutritional diet is obviously with Herbalife Shake F1
Nutritional Diet
Okay we will keep this very brisk and brief.
For MUSCLE, this is how it works:
- To build and maintain your muscle mass, you need protein, substituting your meal, name it breakfast and dinner that is usually non-nutritional to the right amount of protein will do the trick
- Protein also gives away Amino Acids to help you lose your fats easily when needed to, so your muscle's Amino Acids will be keep intact, and your muscles will be spared
- So obviously without loss of muscle, protein will help you build it up and your muscles will be maintaining its shape ^^
This is about WATER:
- Drink water 5 to 6 liters per day will help your body to get rid of your fats through urine
- Why drink so much water? Because we lose so much so we have to replace it back so the regulations will be normal
- Even in normal diet, we have to drink ample water intake so why not do it in this nutritional diet?
- And your body will have enough water condition
Last but not least, this is how we will lose so much FATS:
- Research has found that eating your breakfast with right amount of protein will boost your metabolism by 65%, so you will burn fats
- Adding more protein to your diet also has the advantage of satisfying your hunger so you are content with fewer calories, you don't do much munching, you lose fats
- With a right amount of carbo intake, healthy and nutritional diet will make you lose your fats easily without hassle, plus you can still eat rice but of course in a moderate amount ^^
- Munching is permittable if you're on fruits
- And that's how you cut down your weight! Voila! :D
So there you go, that is all i know about dieting and it is pretty simple task to do. The key is just perseverance, patience and also how much drive do you have for you to be determined to lose that extra baggage. It's for your own sake too, we all do want to live healthily right? :)
Till then,
Assalamualaikum :)
"The greatest wealth is health"
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